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Bloopers! Model Train Derailments, Video Fails and More!

et to HD for best quality. Ok, this is supposed to be a stupid and pointless video but, it’s supposed to be funny and enjoyable. Most people delete their outtakes or “bloopers” but, I like to keep them and throw them together in Blooper videos. Most of these are real but, a few were set-up. A lot of them are of people talking when they don’t realize you are filming! So sit back, relax and enjoy another slightly crazy blooper video. Oh, and for those of you who think i destroy my model trains: NOTHING WAS DAMAGED IN THE MAKING OF THIS VIDEO!

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Here are few pics captured at perfect moment.

Perfect Shot

Model Train Accidents Image 1This shot was captured when the model train engine left the railroad and fall on the road. This is the best example to demonstrate the need to best quality railroads for your model train layout 😉

Cars Leaving Railroad

Model Train Accidents Image 2OMG! This is a passenger train and the cars are getting crash! Well, it was just a test ride of the train so nobody got injured.

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